Streamed live on April 6, 2017 by Pineconeutopia

In this 4th addition of the Techno-Crime Fighters’ Forum, the team focuses upon the case of Karen Melton-Stewart a 28 year NSA employee who became a whistle blower after being let go for wanting to be acknowledged for her work. Subsequently, the Deep State, made her a target for gangstalking and electronic harassment. This story is a BIG AS THE SNOWDEN story but the MSM has thus far ignored it. Spread this episode far and wide, if the media will not touch this story, it is up to all of us to get it out there.
In addition the Team discusses the subject of disclosure on the subject of DEW/neurotech assaults on humanity – and a general conversation on how these energy weapons, which are being kept covert actually are acknowledged as in use by many sources. Hold on to your hats, and let go of your previous beliefs for a wild ride with the Techno-Crime Fighting Team!

This is the article, which also has a link to Karen’s letter to Adm. Rogers:…