
Pinecone Utopia

Comforting the disturbed, disturbing the comfortable


Martial Law

The 2016 Winner Of The Award For Reverse Excellence


September 16, 2017  By Brandon Turbeville

Toward the end of every year, it has become a Western tradition to initiate the proceedings of a “round up” or “best of” of the people, events, and products of the year and attempt to crown a number of individuals with awards for the most accomplished, best dressed, most influential, or most creative of that year. The world of politics and government is no different. Since Wall Street and the Corporate world essentially function as government as well, it is natural that anyone in banking, finance, or the business of exploitation and the military industrial complex be eligible for recognition as well. Read More

21 Goals of the Illuminati and The Committee of 300


By Dr. John Coleman.(Written ca. 1993) Read the List

21 Goals of the Illuminati and The Committee of 300 by Dr. John Coleman (ca. 1993)

From: Conspirators’ Hierachy: The Story of The Committee of 300

The Madness of War


It is essential to constantly remind ourselves, that war, apart from a very few exceptions, is a symptom of madness. Yet war is a disease which is largely taken for granted; considered ‘normal’ and unless it involves a large swathe of humanity, ignored. How did we allow ourselves to be trapped by such insanity?

In 2017, wars are as prevalent as ever. They are being manifest in the Middle East, in Africa, in South America, and in a lesser form, in almost all countries of the World. They are the result of a failure to recognize that killing another is actually killing one’s self. A failure to grasp that humanity is a collective made up of millions of individuals, all of whom share a common ancestry and, on a subconscious plain, a common aspiration and destiny.   Read More

 Donald Trump Has a Passionate Desire to Bring Back Torture


April 6, 2017 by Rebecca Gordon

When George W. Bush and Dick Cheney launched their forever wars—under the banner of a “Global War on Terror”—they unleashed an unholy trinity of tactics. Torture, rendition, and indefinite detention became the order of the day. After a partial suspension of these policies in the Obama years, they now appear poised for resurrection.  Read More

Watch and get involved IF you want your Kids to live a freer life

Published on Jun 12, 2017   by Donald Grahn

BEACON 37 counters and can cure the fraud of this country since its inception – that’s ~240 years worth of corporate deception!!
Watch and get involved IF you want your Kids to live a freer life than what is before us now – to truly make America great (again?)

That moment NASA Anounced the end of mankind : a must watch

Published on May 13, 2017 by idongesit sam

This is one of the most important short interviews you’ll ever see. Watch this, listen carefully, follow up by going to Deborah Tsvaris’s websites: and and READ THE DOCUMENTS! Then pass it around!

Thanks! pineconeutopia

Death at Your Door: Knock-and-Talk Police Tactics Rip a Hole in the Constitution

Published on May 2, 2017  by Newsbud

This is what passes for “knock-and-talk” policing in the American police state. “Knock-and-shoot” policing might be more accurate, however. Whatever you call it, this aggressive, excessive police tactic has become a thinly veiled, warrantless exercise by which citizens are coerced and intimidated into “talking” with heavily armed police who “knock” on their doors in the middle of the night. Winston Churchill once declared that “democracy means that if the doorbell rings in the early hours, it is likely to be the milkman.” Clearly, we don’t live in a democracy. No, in the American police state, when you find yourself woken in the early hours by someone pounding on your door, smashing through your door, terrorizing your family, killing your pets, and shooting you if you dare to resist in any way, you don’t need to worry that it might be burglars out to rob and kill you: it’s just the police.


9 Stategies Needed to Implement the New World Order

Published on Apr 19, 2017  by pineconeutopia

We found this very informative video attached to a Flat Earth video. This part had nothing to do with FE, and so we thought that some people turned off by the notion of FE would avoid this video and therefore this very wonderful section that can help us all avoid the New World Order. The original video is called The BEST Flat Earth Proof to date (4/15/2017) by Ephesians_6:12. Check out the original video… if you live on a Flat Earth as we do. It’s excellent.

Is the U.S. Military Planning to Take Over America?

Published on Apr 11, 2017  by Newsbud

The U.S. military is making plans to take over America by 2030. No, this is not another conspiracy theory. Although it easily could be. Nor is it a Hollywood political thriller. Although it certainly has all the makings of a good thriller. No, this is the real deal, coming at us straight from the horse’s mouth. According a Pentagon training video entitled “Megacities: Urban Future, the Emerging Complexity,” that was created by the Army for U.S. Special Operations Command, the U.S. military plans to use armed forces to solve future domestic political and social problems. What they’re really talking about is martial law, packaged as a well-meaning and overriding concern for the nation’s security.

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