
Pinecone Utopia

Comforting the disturbed, disturbing the comfortable



Three Lessons from the Jordan Peterson vs. Cathy Newman Debate

Acts17Apologetics    Published on Jan 27, 2018

Zoroaster’s Devil and the Fourth Age of Man – Episode One Consciousness in Context

Published on Jan 23, 2018

Episode One – Consciousness in Context

The ancient Persian prophet Zarathustra, better known as Zoroaster and his philosophy has had a major impact on the human drama unfolding on the earth today. He birthed several revolutionary concepts that has changed the human experience from his time forward. Understanding these changes helps us understand our current drama where the polarization of beliefs paralyzes reason and isolates people from one another. Solutions might be gleaned from the knowledge he imparted, if we take the time to listen and understand.

At long last we are happy to present the first in our upcoming series on Consciousness In Context. We have taken some time off, as you know, to deal with family transitions and re-group and re-think what we are about. We hope you will appreciate our new focus and grow with us. Please share your comments and feedback. P&M

Peru’s Ancient Cave Of Dangerous Energies

Published on Jul 19, 2015

In a side valley near the Sacred Valley of Peru there is a cave which contains 2 amazing megalithic works attributed to the Inca, but clearly far older. In this video we explore this site with Cusco PhD anthropologist Theo Paredes, who offers amazing insight and wisdom.

Our collective lack of knowledge about the past is very difficult to overestimate. We don’t even know the players. Thanks Pineconeutopia

Harald Kautz-Vella on all the things that went wrong and need to be re-discovered and addressed.

Published on Dec 1, 2017

Harald Kautz-Vella​ an independent scientist from Germany is here with me to talk about all the things that got lost and all the things that went wrong and need to be re-discovered and addressed. This interview builds like stepping stones and should be watched entirely.

The Spirit of Good

Published on Jan 23, 2012 by Paul Stamets

The fungal-fantastical. Emerging from their axial homes, fungi are beginning to be understood as nutrients to the human consciousness and ecological sustainability. Paul explores mycology and compels support for your own good nature and our fungal allies. This is the first in a collaboration of Louie Schwartzberg of Blacklight films ( ) and Paul Stamets of Fungi Perfecti ( ).

Forced Government Indoctrination Camps

Don’t miss this one! This information is so important, everyone must know this and please pass it around to everyone you know!!!!!
Published on Jul 13, 2017 by Eric Dubay

Every day all over the world, millions of bright young minds are spending the best years of their lives being herded around by governments like cattle, responding to bells, whistles and other Pavlovian/Skinnerian conditioning. Millions of children are locked into this program Monday to Friday from 9-5 performing boring/arduous tasks against their will because society has deemed it necessary. Just like the workplace, only unquestioning compliance is rewarded and your only reprieves are snack breaks and lunch time, which are withheld from you like salivating dogs until the bell rings. Meanwhile you anxiously sit in rigid rows all facing the big boss and the blackboard, focused on fantasy objectives, conditioned to view other students as competitors and hindrances.

Scientifically subjecting young children to factory-style seating, standardized testing, and government textbooks bring “order out of chaos,” and make for manageable populations. Modern schools create uniformity, while suppressing skepticism and creativity. They over-develop competitive spirit while undermining compassion and curiosity. They promote cliques, gangs, small group mentalities, and “small-picture” thinkers. Grading and testing procedures hinder “big-picture” understanding of any subject and force students to focus on more simple, gradable aspects. True education and mastery of the subjects at hand are not encouraged or even feasible. Students are merely required to memorize trivial information like names, dates, places, events etc. just long enough to regurgitate for standardized multiple-choice tests. Then after examination, the trivial info stored in their short-term memory disappears along with their superficial understandings of each subject.

21 Goals of the Illuminati and The Committee of 300


By Dr. John Coleman.(Written ca. 1993) Read the List

21 Goals of the Illuminati and The Committee of 300 by Dr. John Coleman (ca. 1993)

From: Conspirators’ Hierachy: The Story of The Committee of 300

Military Recruiting and How to Confront it


By Pat Elder, June 30 2017,

This year the Army’s goal is to recruit 80,000 active duty and reserve soldiers. The Navy is trying to sign up 42,000; the Air Force is looking for 27,000, and the Marines hope to bring on 38,000. That comes to 187,000.  The Army National Guard will also attempt to lure 40,000.

These soldiers are needed to maintain the status quo for a year, aside from a last-minute increase of 6,000 additional Army soldiers added by President Obama.

The Pentagon is attempting to recruit somewhere around 227,000 troops this year, and they’re having one hell of a time finding them, even while they enjoy unprecedented physical access to kids in our high schools and equally unprecedented exposure to their minds through popular culture.  In 2010 there were 30.7 million Americans between the ages of 18 and 24. 227,000 works out to .73% of prime recruiting age.   Read more


Published on Sep 26, 2016  by Prince Ea


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